Pro Forma Income Statement Template - Excel and Google Sheets

Prepare your Pro Forma Income Statement or Profit & Loss effortlessly within minutes by utilizing our free-to-download income statement template!

Free Pro Forma Income Statement & P&L Template

Get your Income Statement or Profit & Loss statement up and running in just minutes with our free-to-download income statement template! Learn through our video guide, using the same template showcased in the video. Compatible with both Excel and Google sheets, our profit and loss template automatically calculates your business's net income, and you can include as many revenue sources, COGS categories, and expense line items as needed.

Utilize our free profit and loss template and the accompanying video to access the ideal income statement example for generating a well-crafted financial statement.

Pro Forma Income Statement FAQ's

What is a pro forma income statement?

A pro forma income statement is a standard financial statement that presents the revenue or sales and expenses for a company during a specific period.

What information is included in a pro forma income statement?

Your pro forma income statement should encompass all the revenue and expenses incurred by your business during a specified period.

What does a year-to-date pro forma income statement entail?

A year-to-date pro forma income statement should encompass all the revenue and expenses for the current year. The start date should be January 1st of the current year, and the ending date should be the current date.

What is the distinction between a pro forma income statement and a profit and loss statement (P&L)?

A profit and loss statement (P&L) is synonymous with a pro forma income statement, serving as another term to describe the same financial statement.

How do you prepare a pro forma income statement?

To create a pro forma income statement, you need to calculate the total sales, total cost of goods sold, and total operating expenses for a specific period, then present them accurately in a pro forma income statement template.

Can you provide an example of a pro forma income statement format?

Certainly, here's an example of a pro forma income statement format:

Are loan payments included on a pro forma income statement?

Only the interest expense portion of a loan payment should be included on a pro forma income statement. The principal portion of the loan payment is not to be included.

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inputting the numbers was very straight forward with video help for some minor tutorial.
Brad Binz
Von Aries Kennels
A great tool that is easy to use and should help immensely with raising funds.
Todd Bearden
Green Turtle Brewing