About ProjectionHub

We have helped more than 50,000 entrepreneurs create financial projections and business plans for investors, lenders, and internal planning since 2012

Founded by financial experts

Founded in 2012 by two brothers from their home state of Indiana, ProjectionHub started as a web application that helped entrepreneurs create financial projections for business plans, lenders, and investors. You can read the full ProjectionHub startup story here: "I Grew My Spreadsheet Templates Side Hustle Into a $240K/Year Business"

Since then, our tool and product offerings have evolved to provide more detailed, customizable, and easier to use financial projection templates and focused services to support entrepreneurs.

In 2019, Grace Cisna joined the ProjectionHub team. Grace is a CPA and expert financial modeler. With Grace's experience and skill set, she built our entire library of industry-specific projection templates that have grown to be an affordable and reliable DIY financial projection method. Grace also helps our clients create custom financial models in Excel for complex business models and use cases.

Our financial projection worksheet templates are unique because they focus on industry specific revenue calculations rather than generic revenue inputs. The templates do more than calculate your revenue, they will actually help you plan and calculate how you will generate revenue. We make it quick to get your business' financial forecasting accurately calculated and easy to share with your team, lenders or investors. More than 50,000 founders and small businesses have used ProjectionHub to create their financial projections.

Meet the Team

We're a small but mighty team made up of experts with years of experience working directly with entrepreneurs across financial modelling, SBA lending, and business planning.

Adam Hoeksema
Founder, Owner
Grace Cisna, CPA
Lead Financial Modeler
Patrice Lopez
Content & Customer Support Specialist
Kyle Fawcett
Director of Marketing
Nica Astada
Financial Modeler
Josh Zacchaeus
Director of Business Development
Brooks Ford
Financial Modeler
Rebecca O'Brien
Financial Modeler
Cynthia Fulla
Financial Modeler

Our Services

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