Find out how much money a food truck can generate on a daily basis using our free calculator
If you want to calculate how much revenue your specific food truck concept can generate, you have come to the right place. We have a free template available to download and a video walk through to show you how to use the template as well.
We estimate that the average daily sales for a food truck is $600.
We found that 64% of food trucks operating full time generate between $100,000 and $200,000 per year according to Food Truck Empire. Assuming the average truck operates 250 days per year and if we take the middle between the $100k and $200k range and assume $150,000 in average annual sales, then we can calculate that a rough average daily sales for a food truck is $600 per day.
In order to forecast sales for a food truck you need to know a number of things:
If you know these answers you can enter in your assumptions into our food truck sales calculator and forecast your potential revenue.
The average order value for a food truck is $7.83 according to Mobile Cuisine.
A food truck can serve 80 to 120 customers per hour according to this former food truck operator.
This is an incredibly fast pace, this means you will need to take an order, collect payment, prepare and deliver the food all in less than 1 minute per customer which means you will need a number of staff to divide the duties.
Most food trucks can hold 2 to 6 workers according to
In order to serve a new customer every 30 seconds at your peak, you will need at least 1 employee taking orders and collecting payment, 2 employees preparing orders, and 1 employee delivering food to customers.
The average food truck only employs 1.2 people according to Zippia.
We can assume that the food truck owner is also typically working in the truck with roughly 1 other employee, but as we just outlined if you want to be able to maximize sales per minute you will need more employees.
If you could use some more guidance creating a full business plan for your food truck venture, check out our free food truck business plan template.